Engineering Solutions
Embracing a culture of technical excellence and responsiveness to technological advances, Motherwell Automation delivers current and innovative, whole-of-life solutions into client applications.
Motherwell Automation has grown and maintained an engineering team with core competencies within each of its target sectors with specific skills and experience in the design and implementation of control system solutions for industrial applications; services include:

Control System audits & reviews

Control System conceptual design & functional definition

Control System detailed design, implementation and integration

PLC & SCADA detailed design, implementation and integration

Local and Remote Operational Control and Monitoring Facilities

Network detailed design, implementation and integration

Cyber-Security reviews and implementation

Communication systems covering voice and data, including copper, fibre and radio telemetry systems

Process control engineering and automation utilising PLC, DCS, SCADA technologies

Control System audits & reviews

Electrical power monitoring systems, including generation, transmission, distribution, protection and control

Control Cabinet Design, Assembly, Wiring & Testing
Motherwell Automation has a team of fully trained, experienced service technicians and engineers who are available to provide support for client applications engineered by Motherwell Automation. Support may be tailored to suit client-specific requirements and formalised via a support agreement